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Science is the key to our future, and if you don’t believe in science, then you are holding everybody back”.

 Applied  sciences is an exceptionally broad discipline en-composing specialties as diverse as Biotechnology, as large as Microbiology, as deep as Biochemistry and as healthy as quality of human life. Research in applied sciences brings home nutritious food, healthy life style, reduced risk of diseases, immuno booster’s etc. So encouragement in  Applied science makes people  Eco-friendly even for future generations that will be inherited forever.

The Department is strong and  strives to introduce experimental and innovative curriculum , since  inception of Autonomy.

·        In 1985 B.Sc  NUTRITION AND DIETICS course was introduce as a major Nutrition with biological sciences 
   In  1995  Nutrition with applied sciences like Microbiology and Biochemistry was introduced.

·     In 2004 B.Sc, B.B.B( BOTANY. BIOCHEMISTRY. BIOTECHONOLGY ) is framed to enhance the skill and job opportunities  to the students.

·        In 2005  a Innovative Project sponsored by U.G.C  M.B.Cs,   was introduced.

·  In 2007 the department is upgraded its infrastructure with tissue culture lab, and instrumentation center, U.G.C Sponsored.



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