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Nutrition Week Programmes

November 21, 2019 - As a part of POSHAN ABHIYAN, III B.Sc., Nutrition cluster students visited Joy play school, Eluru and emphasized on “Right choice of Food and Handwashing practices” to the school children. Staff members Mrs.B.Lakshmi Sudha and Mrs.Jaya Sheela accompanied the students through out the programme.

September, 2021 – Nutrition Week Celebrations

·       Significance of Nutrition week and the importance of Nutrition in the early stage of life.

·       National Nutrition week was inaugurated on 1st September with the first year students & III year students on this occasion Dr.P.Jyothi Kumari spoke on significance of Nutrition week – saying that its being observed on 1st September, 1975by American Dietetic Association. NNW is celebrated to enhance awareness on the importance of Nutrition & Nourishment at the early stage.

·       Childhood required increased nutrients due to phenomenal growth of physical and brain development. “You are what you eat” is the ---- saying what is the importance of nutrition.  Nutritional habits are established at childhood will result in the health status of adult age.  Parent has a significant role in establishing good food habits by reminding the role of nutritionist to bring change in society by their small ways.

·       On 4th September, 2021, Dr.P.Jyothi Kuamri, Mrs.B.Radha and Mrs.G.N.S.S.Navya  and the students of I & III MBN & ZNC Participated In the webinar organized by the department of Home Science in association with ICAR, IIOPR, Pedavegi of Millets in Indian diets.  Dr.Venkateswarlu Ronda, Scientist in Biochemistry, ICAR – Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad. Which was enriching and enlighting.

      Staff and Students of Department of UG Nutrition & Dietetics on the occasion of National Nutrition week on 7th September, 2021 organized a webinar on “Feeding smart right from start – Role of Parent” by Mrs.Sri Lakshmi Sravani Devarakonda, A Doctoral Candidate from Cornell University, USA. An alumnae of our college. 200 students participated and benefitted from the talk.










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